Hello everyone!
My name is Kelanie Crosswait and this trip will be my second time in Uganda. In 2014 I was fortunate enough to go on my high school's trip to Uganda and help construct a primary school in Namusisi in the Iganga district. One of the coolest parts of the trip was working side by side with Ugandan brick layers and other community members and getting to learn about what their lives were like. I also loved getting to interact with the schoolchildren who were always very excited to see us.
I am extremely excited to come back to Uganda and to have the opportunity to get to know and work with MUBS students. I can't wait to meet the Ugandan students we will be working with and start developing friendships that are sure to last a lifetime. The project I will be working on will be distributing Days For Girls period kits and educating Ugandan girls about their periods and how to hygienically deal with them. It will be very beneficial to have a Ugandan student or two helping with this project because they will be able to translate the information and make sure that what we say to the girls is not culturally insensitive.
I am looking forward to meeting everyone in Uganda next week!
Students from Drake University (USA) and Makerere University Business School (Uganda) share their joint educational experiences in development enabled through joint coursework taken at both universities in the USA and Uganda.
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