MUBS Graduation
The graduation was an exciting experience to say the least for many different reasons. We were able to walk over to the ceremony with the faculty of the school and the dancers and musicians. They started with awards and it was fascinating to hear the high academic awards these students had. One person was even graduating out of the certificate program with a 5.0! After the awards The General went up to speak. He started with many laughs and pleased the crowded but later made the us feel uncomfortable with some remarks he had. He kept pushing for people to invest in him and seemed as if he was using this to market his new pamphlet. Shortly after, cloud came rolling in and the rain started following. The wind picked up and the tent we were under started to lift up into the sky! We all ran for another source of cover and trekked through the mud and deep water until we found an empty lecture hall where we all met up. It was a crazy experience but sure fun to be together for all of that. After all we came here for an adventure.
Students from Drake University (USA) and Makerere University Business School (Uganda) share their joint educational experiences in development enabled through joint coursework taken at both universities in the USA and Uganda.
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ReplyDeleteYou're right about the general making us feel uncomfortable. He seemed to poke fun at and mock the other students attempting agriculture, and asked them to join him instead. The rain storm will definitely be an experience I will never forget. Thank goodness for Simon finding the school room.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was awesome that we were able to walk into the ceremony with all of the faculty, dancers and singers. It really showed a huge difference between their graduations and ours. I feel like ours are much more formal and strict. I loved the dancers and the music in between speakers, it really made the ceremony lively and fun.
ReplyDeleteThe graduation ceremony was very different compared to what we are used to in the United States. It was very different that each professor from a certain subject was able to award their top student in their class. The speech was also very moving about how culture and politics play a role in education. Above anything though, the storm we ran through at the end of the ceremony had to be one of my ultimate highlights of the whole trip.
ReplyDeleteThe graduation was definitely an interesting experience. I agree with everything that has been said, but I also was a little surprised that I didn't see many parents or family members in the crowd at graduation. Maybe it was because they were seated somewhere else, but I found it interesting since graduation was a big deal to many of the students that I didn't see many families. On a different note, I thought the general's speech gave the graduation an interesting dynamic. At first, I was really uncomfortable with his speech and everything he was saying, but as time went on I started to see like Hannah said the crossover between politics and self-advancement in the education sysem. If governement officials continue to promote themselves at school sponsored events, I think it could either lead to better informed students who can make more informed voting decisions, or it could set schools up as another platform for governement propaganda.
ReplyDeleteFirst let me start of by saying OMG! This experience is definitely going to be memorable. It was very interesting to see how the graduation ceremony in Uganda was different from the USA. For example, Uganda had traditional dances and speakers that really involved the audience. The Presidents brother, really seemed to focus on the importance of agriculture as the economy heavily relies on it. At first I was confused why there was such an importance, however, after our reflection I quickly understood. Overall the experience was amazing and unique.