Students from Drake University (USA) and Makerere University Business School (Uganda) share their joint educational experiences in development enabled through joint coursework taken at both universities in the USA and Uganda.
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Food in Uganda
Over the past three weeks we have had the chance to experience authentic Ugandan food, as well as some not so Ugandan food I.e. Italian, Chinese and Indian. The main staple we all became very accustom too was Matooke, which is a mashed banana dish (like plantains) that is cooked in banana leaves and served with every meal. The Matooke tastes kind of like chewy mashed potatoes. Served on top of the Matooke was Ground Nut Sauce, otherwise known as G-Nut Sauce. It was a light purple sauce that tasted like peanut butter. Other typical foods you would find in a typical Ugandan meal would be Posho, a white mixture of maize flour and water, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, chicken or beef, broth sauces, rice, Chipati (fried flat bread) and fruit. The fruit in Uganda is some of the tastiest fruit you can have. They specialize in pineapple, watermelon, bananas, passion fruit and jackfruit, just to name a few. Jackfruit is a large green fruit that has a yellow inside with giant seeds, and not to forget a very sweet taste. You're probably wondering whether or not we needed a break from Ugandan food every day while in Kampala, and the answer would be yes. As mentioned earlier we had Italian at Italian Restaurant, Chinese at Arirang and Indian at Phaze 2. All three places let us see what the Ugandan take on these cuisines was like and it was all quite delicious. All in all, the food experience in Uganda has been a tasty one in the food category.
Dancing the Night Away - Kika Center
The weather was perfect for our afternoon and evening at Kika
Center. Under the expert direction of the proprietor, Kaddu, the students
learned a dance traditional to the Buganda Kingdom. Kika (pronounced Chicha) is
a new dance center located in dark green foothills near Entebbe. The setting
was perfect as the students learned the movements to a 'dance to make the king
happy'. I kept up for about an hour until the jumping moves began. Then I opted
for African tea with colleagues while the students continued to refine their
The evening began with a traditional dinner of matooke, rice,
ground nut sauce, goat skewers and more. A performance by the Kika dance troupe
filled the rest of the evening as the dancers illustrated that 'Uganda is a
very big world in a small country'. The highlight for our group was when they
were called to the stage, walked behind and emerged as Uganda dancers! They
artfully ;-) performed the dance they had practiced so diligently during the
Throughout, Kaddu emphasized the need for Ugandans to preserve
their incredible culture. He is doing a great job insuring this will happen!
For more information and pictures go to
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Mulago Hospital
Our trip to Mulago Hospital, located in Kampala, was one of
the most humbling experiences. Mulago,
being one of the largest governmental hospitals in East Africa, showed the desperations
for a change in healthcare in the region.
To understand the hospital more we had a tour guide as well as a doctor
with us explaining the functions of the hospital. Since Mulago is a government hospital
patients received free care for any type of medical need. However, individuals who can afford it are
given “private” rooms and are given basic amenities with each having a
particular cost such as a curtain, water, food, electricity etc. While going through the different wards we
were able to see the overflow of patients and the lack of beds for them/room
for family members. On average each ward
has 2 nurses for up to 70 patients at a time.
The lack of staff is due to the government’s unwillingness to give sufficient
pay to its employees which is the source of the problems at Mulago. A lot of this in hand gives way to corruption
within the hospital and promotes a terrible environment to receive care. The entire experience at Mulago made our
group realize what some of us take for granted in a hospital and how fortunate
we are. It was extremely eye opening and
gave me particularly a new perspective on life.
Coffee Processing- Savannah Commodities
As coffee is Uganda’s number one export, I was excited to
learn more about the coffee process and its place in the market. Today we
visited Savannah Commodities—an agriculture trading company the deals mostly
with coffee and grains. We were able to look at the process from the cleaning
and drying to the sorting of grades for both Arabica and Robusta coffee beans.
They explained how they buy from 20,000+ farmers from all over Uganda and also how
they sell to world-wide buyers including roaster and coffee shops. Savannah
bases its purchasing and selling price platform off the New York market which
is what most of the coffee industry does. Because the markets are ever-changing,
it often leads to a gamble on whether to buy or sell or to stay idle in
day-to-day transactions. In terms of sustainability,
Savannah seemed to be on track, however is the coffee industry truly
sustainable or what can be done to insure better sustainability?
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Kikandwa Health Clinic
The Kikandwa Health Clinic was a project proposed by village elders in order to meet the medical needs of the Kikandwa community of approximately 100,000 residents. The non-profit clinic will serve common illnesses in the area such as maternity, prenatal care, malaria, diarrhea, and upper respiratory infections as well as providing other basic services. The opening of the health clinic will have the greatest impact on the people of Kikandwa due to increased health care accessibility. With this new clinic, the people of the Kikandwa community will no longer have to travel long distances or become discouraged from seeking medical care due to transportation. The clinic is expecting to serve between 50-100 patients per day and is striving to become an effective and sustainable business model. The facility will initially have a staff of three individuals which includes a midwife, registered nurse and an administrator with the hopes of expanding as project phases for the clinic are completed over time. This health clinic was made possible by donors such as Drake University, The Rotary Club of Kampala South, and the Shining City Foundation (SCF).
U.S. Embassy
Our stop at the United States Embassy located in Kampala,
Uganda was an informative session discussing U.S.– Ugandan relations. At our
arrival, we were led through multiple security procedures to ensure the safety
of the ambassador and his staff. Unfortunately, because of the extensive
security, we were unable to have electronic devices and were prohibited from
taking photographs. It was a change of pace to see a westernized building after
spending almost two and a half weeks in Ugandan buildings constructed of cement
and clay. Nonetheless, the compound was well-manicured representative of the
U.S. government. Continuing, we walked to our conference room where we eagerly
awaited the arrival of Ambassador Scott DeLisi.
DeLisi is currently serving as the ambassador to Uganda and has served as a
foreign serviceman for the last 33 years. DeLisi’s talk focused on the
struggles that are currently presenting themselves in the relationship between
the United States and Uganda. Following the debate and passage of the
Anti-homosexuality Act, the relationship has been strained due to the observed
human rights violations.
addition, the U.S. government has and is currently pouring large amounts of aid
into the Uganda healthcare sector but is seeing little effort by the Ugandan
government to create a sustainable model to take over the sector and relieve
its dependence on foreign aid. In general, the U.S. government seeks to
preserve basic human rights around the world and is fulfilling its quest by
decreasing HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Uganda and by investing in the well
being of mothers and the circumcision of males. Lastly, Ambassador DeLisi
emphasized the difficulty in working with a government that is known for large
amounts of corruption. By realizing the corruption within the government, the
United States focuses its monetary donations towards organizations. For now,
the relationship between the Uganda government of the United States government
is being maintained on a friendly level; however, only time will if differing
values will jeopardize this relationship.
Mulago Hospital
Today a group of six Drake students had the unique
opportunity to visit Mulago Hospital. Located in Kampala, the hospital serves
as the main government hospital in Uganda and is the largest hospital in East
Africa. The hospital does not charge its patients any money for the services it
provides, which can range from treatment for malaria to cesarean sections. The
group was lead around by a tour guide and an ear, nose and throat doctor. Some
of the notable destinations during the visit were a tour of a general ward and
a private ward. A general ward consists of beds stacked next to each, often
overflowing into the hallway, with some patients having to lie on mattresses on
the floor. Private rooms, on the other
hand, are not as private as one would think and consist of a large room with
curtains separating the patients. These rooms also boast a “private” bathroom
while patients on the general ward have one large communal bathroom per wing.
The tour continued with a viewing of the maternity ward. This ward was a true
culture shock as mothers who had just given birth were crowded in one hallway
outside sitting on the floor and benches while awaiting to be discharged; only
mothers with extreme medical conditions were allowed beds after giving birth. The group also visited the pediatric unit,
which had similar conditions comparable to that of the general ward. Finally,
the group was able to walk through the Cancer Institute. Patients were
scattered throughout the Institute while the caregivers of the patients were forced
to sit outside due to a lack of space. Overall, the experience was very
eye-opening and far different than the conditions at Mukono Hospital, which is
a much smaller health care center. The
overcrowding of the hospital and the general conditions were the most
surprising part of the tour, and provided a stark contrast from health care
provided in the United States. After
talking with the ear, nose, and throat doctor at the hospital, it was apparent
that a lack of staff was the main problem at Mulago. For example, there are
usually only two nurses for up to seventy patients. Furthermore, a career in
health care at government run institutions are often not profitably enough to
attract newly graduated medical students. In order for hospitals like Mulago to
become more sustainable, the understaffing problem must be addressed to meet
all the needs of the Uganda citizens.
[The front entrance of the hospital]
[The private ward-there were four patients in this room separated by the curtains pictured]
[The patients laying out laundry; each patient must provide their own bedding while at the hospital]
[The general ward in the pediatric unit; the children had been moved temporarily to clean the ward]
The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO)
Today, we spent our morning at The
AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) near Mulago Hospital. TASO, which was formed
in 1987, aims to help Ugandans live positively with AIDS and provides services
such as counseling, medical services, advocacy, and prevention operations for
no cost.
Upon arriving to TASO, we split
into two groups and toured the facility. We were very impressed by both the
structure number of clients being served – an average of 200 per day!
Clients Waiting to Be Served Outside TASO Mulago
During the rest of our tour, we
visited the counseling center, medical wing, and pharmacy. We finally ended up
at the Children’s Care Centre, where HIV+ and HIV- children wait while their
parents are treated. To see these kids interact was incredible - as one staff member pointed out, we could
not tell at first glance which kids had HIV and which did not. This just goes to
show that stigma with HIV/AIDS has changed drastically over the past 30 years!
Inside the Children's Care Centre
For many of us, the highlight of
our visit to TASO was interacting with the singing/dance troupe. These
individuals are all HIV+ and receive services from TASO. Their group performs
in villages across Uganda to provide education about HIV. The money the group
earns from performing goes to fulfill their basic needs and to support TASO.
Performance Troupe at TASO
The final event of our visit was to
hear the testimony of one young woman who has benefitted from TASO’s services.
As she described, she became HIV+ after she was raped by a man who had promised
to provide her school fees. When she told her employer she was HIV+, she was
fired. With TASO’s help, she was able to join the performance group, and has
since married a man who is also HIV+. The woman and her husband now have two
children together, both of whom do not have HIV! It was amazing to hear how
TASO benefits community members.
How do Reach Out Mbuya and The AIDS
Support Organisation differ? Is one more effective than the other? What was your
favorite part of our visit to TASO?
Monday, June 9, 2014
City Secondary School
Yesterday was a fantastic day in Uganda. We visited a private
boarding school named City Secondary School.
The education system in Uganda varies from the United States, so for
clarification think of City Secondary as a combination of junior high and high
school. Everywhere we go in Uganda, we
are treated with the uttermost respect and hospitality. This was no different
today as we were greeted with traditional dancing and many warm welcomes. Kasifa, one of the MUBS students, even joined
in dancing the Rakaraka. After the
welcome, the head of teachers expressed the challenges City Secondary School
faces. Among one of their challenges is
the lack of computers. This year, Drake donated 30 computers, which will
tremendously improve the ratio from 1 computer to every 75 students to 1
computer to every 8 students. This will
contribute to City Secondary School's vision of teaching their students the
skills they need to not only succeed in their job field, but to become the job
creators Uganda needs. They were so grateful, and it really was wonderful to
see the students already utilizing the additional computers.
After the launching of the new computer lab, we split up into
discussion groups and each went to a different classroom to interact with the students. In my group's discussion we learned all about
teeth, but eventually we drifted into conversations about future career
aspirations, and Facebook (We were in a junior high/high school environment,
what more can you expect?)
![]() |
I thought the way the desks were labeled looked really cool,
so I made Augusta let me take an artsy picture.
(Thank you for modeling, Augs)
We were also given a tour of the grounds, which was really
great to see, except I heard some people saw a snake-one that is not alive,
just for learning purposes- in one of the rooms, so I missed out on pictures of
that (thankfully).
Finally, we were given the
opportunity to interact with the students through sports. Many students began by playing volleyball,
but eventually a soccer match was formed.
This match was only for those who could endure the challenges of a field
full of hidden mini swamps. Needless to
say, it was fun being a spectator as many students slipped and slided every
other step. Drake/MUBS was the victor
after a nail biter shoot out.
Overall, it was a great day learning about the school, the
students, and ourselves in the process.
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